Friday, December 8, 2023


Trend Detector Vol-2 Amibroker AFL
Price: 3000 tk only
To buy this Amibroker AFL or to code your own trading strategy,
Call: +8801632167464(WhatsApp)

1. Auto create Support and resistance and spread base on 3 different time frames. By default, it is monthly but you can change it Weekly, Monthly and Yearly time frame.
2. Every Spread divide in to 4 parts. Like, 0 to 25%, 25 to 50%, 50 to 75% and 75 to 100%. Where 0 to 25% is oversold zone and 75 to 100% is overbought zone. When spread is very narrow, we can use it as a breakout strategy. And when spread is wide we can use it as overbought and oversold zone. Where 50% is the middle range of supply and demand.

3. There are also two up and to down target lines base on spread. Target-1 is based on last two periods Lowest spread. and Target-2 is based on last two periods Highest spread.
4. There are a colors chart base on 18 Indicators (Last five days) celebrating colors base on trend strength. When colors are green it is positive, when Red it is negative and blue is neutral.
This is not only for a short-term strategy but, you can also use it in a long-term strategy. Suppose, you are watching for those scripts which are in a very small yearly spread from 3 to 5 years after a huge fall. And expecting a big bubble after collecting for a long time in a very tiny yearly spread. In that case, you need to change it yearly spread from parameter and waiting for yearly spread breakout.
Amibroker AFL Programmer Bangladesh.
(We write your trading strategy in Amibroker AFL Code)
To buy this Amibroker AFL or to code your own trading strategy,
Call : +8801632167464(WhatsApp)
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